Search results

  1. H

    Pet sitter

    Yeah, ask friends, family and neighbors. I wouldn't get someone from craiglist or any other way because you have no idea what they might do. It isn't like the pet can tell you if they are getting abused.
  2. H

    Stories from a landlord

    My dad rented his house out when he got married and moved in with his wife. The tenants seemed like nice people, but they left the house a mess when they left. The cost of repairs were insane. I don't think I would want to rent a house out either.
  3. H

    Getting worms

    I think it depends where you live. The smaller shops here stop carrying bait around October and won't start to the spring. It just beings a longer drive heading to one of the larger shops that carries it year round.
  4. H

    Weekend plans?

    Your post reminded me that today is my sisters birthday. We won't be doing anything outdoors this weekend. I imagine we are all going to go out to dinner to celebrate her birthday.
  5. H

    Unqualified individuals on trips

    Perhaps you can require all participants to take a form to their doctor that states they are in good enough health to complete that kind of trip? I dunno, I agree with you that there may be some safety issues.
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    Netflix and Dr. Who

    I am feeling very behind in Dr. Who. I love the series, but the only way I have to watch it is on Netflix. It has been ages since they uploaded a new season. Anyone have any clue when they will do so?
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    waiting to hear back from vet

    Hey, just wanted to check in and ask how your pet is doing. I hope the he is feeling much better. Let us know what the vet said and how things turned out.
  8. H

    How often do you replace your sail?

    Yeah, with proper care they should last a long time. They are going to fade with time and need some repair. I think how you store your boat and sale affect the condition of them as well.
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    Avoiding Lemon

    If you are stuck in the woods, and for some reason have lemons, don't make lemonade. Even more importantly, make sure you don't get lemon on your skin, it will increase your chance of sun burns.
  10. H

    Best Ginger Tea Recipes

    Lame beaver's got it right! Ginger tea and bourbon is fanatic, it is also really good with brandy! Never drink and drive! Of course that is probably not the best drink for hot weather!
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    How often do you replace your sail?

    I have never had a sailboat, but old time sailors wold just patch them up and keep on going. They seem pretty sturdy, so you can probably make them last forever. That being said, my neighbor just replaced his because his wife thought there's was too faded and boring....
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    North Texas Newbie

    Re-welcome. I have really enjoyed this forum. By getting involved I have learned a great deals about the outdoors. I wouldn't call myself a master, but I know more than your average bear. Anytime I have a question I make sure to ask here. Hope you and your family find a lot of great ideas for...
  13. H

    Up sick with my 4 year old son.

    Hope he gets to feeling better soon. I have a 10 year old who is recovering from pneumonia. He is fine, but his lungs hurt. I think that kid watched everything on Netflix. The nice thing is that he watched a ton of documentaries, so at least some of it was educational.
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    Hiking With Children

    Hiking with children can be really nice. When I hike with my youngest I find that I stop to smell the roses more. I also find myself teaching about hiking and nature. Sometimes I don't realize how much I know.
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    2 Sets of Field Guides

    I was shopping with a friend when I noticed he picked up two copies of a particular field guide. They were exactly the same. He said his wife required they had one copy that was kept nice and never left the house and a second copy that was taken out in the field. Does anyone else do this; I know...
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    measuring up

    I fell in to that trap. I had no idea that you even needed to measure. Of course I learned quite quickly and gave that first pack away not long after I got it. I then traded up for a pack that fit correctly.
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    Interested in Hunting

    Even if you don't live in a state that requires a course I highly suggest taking one. Even after that I suggest making friends who already hunt. Learning from an experienced hunter is of great value to any hunter.
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    Cost to permanently park a trailer

    My mother has a trailer she kept on her property. She is moving in to a retirement community and can not park it there. She wants to keep it so we were thinking of putting in a permanent camping spot. What does that generally cost?
  19. H

    Slingshot Hunting

    I have always wanted to hunt with a slingshot, but I have never had anyone to teach me. I could just play around with it, but I would never get anywhere that way.
  20. H

    Schwinn 20" Self Seal Tube

    I think that tire sealant is pretty much the same type of gel used in bike tires. I don't know what the gel is made from but it is becoming more popular. I think the biggest issue with the gel would be the extreme heat from friction.