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  1. M

    First Aid Knowledge

    I have some experience in first aid, but it's also easy to forget over the years when you aren't using some of the things. I find that the best thing to do is purchase a paperback book that deals with the main first aid issues and carry it with you. That way you can be prepared.
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    A Moped is great for saving money all the way around, but I wouldn't want to use one if you live in a high traffic area. They just don't go fast enough for the cars that would be zooming around you.
  3. M

    Need new pop up, what size?

    I think either the 11 ft or 14 ft would be sufficient. You have to remember that when you purchase a popup, you aren't planning to spend a large amount of time inside the camper. It doesn't have to be the largest one you can find to work for your family.
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    Camping Near Albuquerque, NM

    We will be going through Albuquerque, NM in the next week or so. Does anyone know of a good camping spot for a motorhome in or near Albuquerque? Is it true that rattlesnakes are a problem in that area when you camp?
  5. M

    Where can you park Pop ups?

    There are a lot of nice National, State and County Parks that you can camp at with a pop up. We had one for a time and if it doesn't have a bathroom in it, it is nice to ask for a site near the bathroom. Some towns have city parks that have hookups and that are free.
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    Favorite campfire supper

    Our favorite supper is a meal in foil. You make a hamburger patty, place several thin slices of carrot and onion on the patty. Add a bunch of thin sliced potatoes. Salt and peper. Place all of this on a piece of tin foil and fold it shut. Place them in the coals and let them cook. It is...
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    Christmas camping

    It does sound fun, but our family is so large now that most of our children are married that it wouldn't be a possibility. Our kids would throw a fit if we weren't home to celebrate Christmas with them and the grandchildren.
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    Scariest Animal Ever Encountered.

    Ours was a rattlesnake on the road near where we were camping in a state park in New Mexico. That was scary enough, but then the park ranger told us that they are not allowed to kill any rattlesnakes. Kind of crazy if you really think about it.
  9. M

    Do You Camp by a River?

    When you go camping, do you prefer to camp beside a river? I used to think that was really neat until I read about that flash flood last summer that roared through a campground and many people lost their lives because they couldn't get out. I think I'll stick to lakeside campgrounds or ones...
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    An Ostrich

    That's an interesting question. I have never seen an ostrich ridden or driven and have no idea where they would even do that. I know they hunt ostriches in Argentina.
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    Electric Marshmallow toaster

    I can't believe they have invented something like this for camping. That was one thing that had kind of stayed like it always was. I still prefer the green stick and roasting them over the campfire. I would never introduce an electric marshmallow toaster to our family.
  12. M

    Is horseback riding a hard thing to learn?

    No, you don't have to have your own horse to take riding lessons. As long as your legs are strong and supple, there is no reason why you can't learn to ride a horse. Just make sure that the person who is going to teach you has a gentle horse that you can learn on.
  13. M

    Lama riding

    I really don't know. Most llamas are used as pack animals and for protection from wild animals for other livestock. I know some of the packs they put on them are pretty heavy, but I have never heard of one being ridden like a horse or donkey.
  14. M

    Does anyone use a teardrop camper?

    The teardrop camper might be pretty neat for a young person or a couple, but I wouldn't want one for my husband and I. At 60, you just kind of enjoy the comforts of home and that's why we travel in a motorhome. We get the pleasure of the great outdoors while sleeping in our own bed at night.
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    Anyone Travel Full Time?

    We will be traveling full time most of this year with our 4 daughters. We will be homeschooling them. All of us are looking forward to it. I love to stay in state park campgrounds. So many times you can see wildlife in the early morning or early evening hours, too.
  16. M

    Your Experience with Different Motor Home Models

    We looked at a 1992 Coronado the other day and I wasn't impressed at all. I guess they don't make them anymore. It was beautiful inside, but everything seemed to be of a poorer quality than other motorhomes that we have seen over the years.
  17. M

    Illness while camping

    I usually take along any medicine that I use with regularity in my home for things like fevers, sore throats, colds and upset tummies. Then I have a good first aid kit that I can use for cuts, burns and insect bites. By doing this we get along great and have never had any major catastrophies.
  18. M

    Motorhome or Travel Trailer?

    Do you prefer to travel with a motorhome or with a travel trailer? Why do you prefer the one you do? I love traveling with a motorhome because I like having my home with me no matter where I go. I can clean my children up at a moment's notice or we can get ready on the way to church when we...
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    New land

    You will probably just need to talk with people in the area where you'll be living who have horses and ask them who they use. Or you can do like my daughter did and start shoeing your own. After all practice makes perfect!
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    What is the one thing you HAVE to take

    I can certainly see why that would be the one thing you wouldn't go camping without. Where can you buy one of those and what brand is the best? I would love to get one for the next time we go camping.