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  1. GROUNDpounder

    Deadly lake undercurrents...

    Likewise, that was an interesting swim to say the least.... Never in regular lakes though.
  2. GROUNDpounder

    Freeze dried food

    I assume when you stay out you boil water from local sources or do you eat the raman uncooked?
  3. GROUNDpounder

    What animals can be ridden?

    By all means jump on a lion or a tiger, lemme know how that turns out for you. :tinysmile_tongue_t:
  4. GROUNDpounder

    Freeze dried food

    I should try those Mountain house meals some time this summer they sound pretty good. I usually get a box of MRE's and take a few selected things from each on my outings it cuts weight and I get what I like. Then again for longer stays I'm a canned food person. (Pork and beans!)
  5. GROUNDpounder

    Shoes/boots for walking on rocks

    Just make sure they breath well and cover your ankles!
  6. GROUNDpounder


    How the hell do you move all of that crap?
  7. GROUNDpounder

    Newbie Necessities

    Water at the minimum, even if I'm just going down the road to a favorite spot I take water, fire starting tools, knife, power bars. You never know.
  8. GROUNDpounder

    My legs are useless

    Take a multi vitamin, eat lots of food and work out! Don't forget water!!!
  9. GROUNDpounder

    Funny Mule Story

    So someone shot the lion?
  10. GROUNDpounder

    What animals can be ridden?

    You can ride anything that's bigger than you and doesn't eat meat haha.
  11. GROUNDpounder

    Poor little rabbit...

    Walked in my front yard to see a few chipmunks playing, then outa no where a GIANT owl came down and tried to grab one. It missed but wholly crap was that thing HUGE, easily 18in long and a wingspan of at least 3 or 4feet.
  12. GROUNDpounder

    Safe cooking method?

    Gotta love little kids! Its also a great way to start a forest fire. (Blow, blow blow, Stick wave Oh SH*T).
  13. GROUNDpounder


    For a decent shot I wouldn't use anything smaller than a .308, if you are a great shot I suppose a .270 would be ok but why make it suffer?
  14. GROUNDpounder

    Best wood for flavor

    Young maple..... I cook over whatever I find on the ground though, cooking over an open wood fire tastes 43598345X better than anything at home on the stove IMO!
  15. GROUNDpounder

    Just the poles?

    Fiber glass pols are light weight and easy to fix with duct tape if needed!
  16. GROUNDpounder

    120 gallons

    Just think.. if 10gallons is a pain to clean I wonder what 12x that much tank would be like to clean! You have to take in to account the waste produced by the fish and how many cleaner fish you need, what types of additives to use and filters. It becomes a pain, personally anything over a...
  17. GROUNDpounder


    Eh, just walk with a big stick and you'll be fine ;).
  18. GROUNDpounder

    Safe cooking method?

    Which wouldn't be safe? Roasting all three together on seperate sticks or the sausage? Sausage is just fine but you must cook it SLOWLY like up where the smoke is on the fire, then slowly bring it down, otherwise the center wont get done and you can get the squirts.
  19. GROUNDpounder

    3's a crowd?

    This, if I don't want others to go I simply don't tell them. If I'm open to tagalongs then I'll share my plans :).
  20. GROUNDpounder

    Blue algae, Lake Erie and Ohio

    Heck no, lets kill a ton of bacteria that are good for the ecosystem so we can kill a bunch of algae. -_- I think man should stop trying to help mother nature out.