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  1. campernewbie

    Michelle Obama wore shorts to the Grand Canyon

    I have been there before and boy does it get hot. 110-115 normal, heck yes I would be wearing shorts just the same. The only reason this is 'news' and I use that term very loose, is that shorts are not very First Lady Like.
  2. campernewbie

    What do you tell others?

    I know that campers are great for long trips and I have even been in some with friends for get togethers, but when someone comes up and says you are camping wrong what do you say? I get it to a point but when you have tons of people or just want something nice to rest your head on, its not that bad.
  3. campernewbie

    Taking Milk Camping

    I think milk powder might be the only way to go here and honestly I never thought about it too much until I went with a friend of mine and her toddler came along. We sat around trying to figure out what would be best, and if you can really tell the difference drinking the milk powder if you are...
  4. campernewbie

    Paddle boats

    I love paddle boats and I can not remember but I went to some theme park when I was in AZ that had a ton of them. Nothing was nicer than being near the cool waters when it was that hot out. I kind of wish I had a paddle boat of my own but I would not have a way to haul it around.
  5. campernewbie

    Fishing Stories

    I have never had to really fight with a fish but I did catch a decent sized one when I was a young teen with a friend of mine and his family. I have no idea what type of fish it was, but at the time it seemed large to me. Then again my first fishing trip I was comparing them to the size of a...
  6. campernewbie

    The Zoo

    Where we live right now there is not a normal size zoo and I think the one in the town is on about 10 acres of land, which seems pretty tiny to me. Are there many other places that have small zoos like this? I have to say this is the first one I have ever came across before.
  7. campernewbie

    Do you own a horse?

    I think land is the one thing that stops many people from owning a horse, I know thats what has halted me. Right now we have a good bit of land, but not nearly enough that I would feel well with for a horse of any size (even a mini).
  8. campernewbie

    Paddle Upside down?

    Is there any possibility of doing this "wrong" that could lead to any random injuries to the hands, arms, etc? I am not sure if there is a right and wrong way, as if you are moving thats a plus but still, I guess anything is really possible.
  9. campernewbie

    Wildest Noises?

    The first time I heard the sound of wildcats I was not actually camping, I had just moved from "city life" to "the boonies" and I could hear them at night from my home. I was right about 11-12 or so and it was the first thing that freaked me out after the big move (we moved states too). Now as...
  10. campernewbie


    I would love to go on any get away that allowed for some good scenery, sometimes just a drive through a scenic route is a nice quick escape too. I just wish I could work my camera better for some of those amazing things I can see.
  11. campernewbie

    Eat what birds eat?

    I don't remember if that was the exact line or not, but I remember hearing something about if you are lost and out in the woods without food you can watch some animal to see what it eats (like if it dies, do not eat what it ate). What animal is this and is there truth behind it?
  12. campernewbie


    I have only had this happen I think once and we were lucky since when I was a teen we camped out in a park that was close to an area (somewhere on a scenic route) that had hand feed deer (all were tame, even the males).
  13. campernewbie

    'Proper' meals

    It surprises me that so many people think camping is only about the goodies, even though that is a bonus! Proper meals can be made anywhere, under almost any conditions. They do however sometimes take planning and I think that is why people assume it can not be done.
  14. campernewbie

    What if you dont have one?

    We do not currently have a camper or a popup, though some of the popups are pretty nice and we have found two people local that are selling their own so with a little elbow get the idea. Do most people start out camping just with the normal, pack the car as best you can, get the...
  15. campernewbie

    Buying a Boat

    This is something I will need to study up for. You know how people once married for so long want to get something great for an anniversary? Mine wants a boat and I have no idea what I am looking for but he does deserve it. Something small for our family of 4, maybe 6 if we brought some extras.
  16. campernewbie

    Where/how did you learn to scuba dive?

    I have a friend that I will be visiting next summer who is an instructor and while I have never been I have been reading up a great deal. Its amazing to think that there is an entire other world we take for granted when there are many who are not fish in water types.
  17. campernewbie

    Durable Tubes

    It is not just a boys' preference you know, but yes I get the idea too. We had many break in the years with my folks growing up and even as an adult its hard to find a good one that can last a day let alone an entire weekend.