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  1. S

    Scary Camping Stories

    Oh gosh! My girlfriends and I made the mistake of watching Friday the 13th before camping in the backyard one summer night! We wound up back in the kitchen because we didn't want to wake up my parents. We put our sleeping bags on the floor although we didn't do much sleeping!
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    First Time!

    This past summer we went to Florida camping and we had the opportunity to go to Weeki Wachi to see the manatees. We also got to see armadillos which I had never seen before. I actually got close enough to pet one! I didn't realize their shell was so hard and hairy. They were one of the...
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    Life Vests @ Walmart!

    Cool! I've got to go get prescriptions filled day after tomorrow so I'll check it out. I noticed they have all of their Christmas fabrics on sale for 50% off too. I wanted to pick up a few of those printed aprons that you finish yourself. It'd be a good time to pick it up.
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    Nothing Like It

    I make that and homemade beef vegetable soup all year. I love it. We freeze a lot to so we have it on hand if we don't want to cook one night. If I make chili, I make homemade pimento cheese salad to go with it. That and a bowl of chili makes a wonderful meal!
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    He gives the fish to his mom

    The men from our church filet it and freeze it. A couple of times a year we all get together and have a massive fish fry. The men fry the fish and the women bring the side dishes. Mmmmmmmmmm
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    Stupid Rats

    My dad used to have a company where he got corn meal with ground glass in it. He would put it out and they would all be gone in a matter of days. They even would take it back to the nest for the little ones. We never had trouble with rats and mice.
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    Good VideoTips!

    If I want something other than the standard, I go for MREs. I like most MREs, amazingly enough so I don't mind getting some to take along. I've heard the Army has had to make MREs more palatable for the troops so they would eat them. A lot of the old recipes have been thrown away and they're...
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    Waterproof Food Storage

    What about those space bags? It would do for solid food. The only thing would be you would have to vacuum seal them after you used it the first time and that wouldn't be convenient in the wild.
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    E2L Outdoorsman Flashlight!

    That's a nice looking flashlight but I prefer the larger Mag Light. I can use it for defense as well as for light! LOL I usually have one in the truck and then I carry a small one in my purse while I'm out. The one in my truck is for defense, the one in my purse is for light.
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    I don't understand...

    I hunt occasionally with my husband. We eat the meat because my family likes venison. But I do have friends who don't eat the deer they kill. They usually just give it away to someone who likes it. I would hate to see it wasted.
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    Weirdest Catch

    We "caught" a hot water heater. Yes, we too thought we had a huge fish. Unfortunately, we had to drag the thing out of the water to help the pond owner who didn't know it was there.
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    Does Anyone Deep Fry Their Christmas Turkey?

    Wow! I'll have to try that! I love creole and Cajun cooking! I've never been to Louisiana but we have a little Cajun restaurant near us that is great. The guy came from around New Orleans and we try to go about every week or so. Everything I've tried so far I've loved. I especially love...
  13. S

    Has anyone ever....

    I've never been lost but I have been to the place that I didn't know where I was. LOL Seriously, I haven't ever been lost but there were times that I thought I was going to be. I just kept walking and finally found a familiar landmark and went from there. I was just turned around for a little...
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    Worst horseriding experience.

    Oh gosh yes! I was riding a friend's horse one day and she got the bit in her teeth and ran away with me. She tried to scrape me off under every tree she could see. I finally got her under control but I was a mass of abrasions and bruises. It looked like I had been in a car wreck the next...
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    Saddle Sore?

    Ouch! Yeah, saddle sore is not a good thing. I went riding last spring and I thought I would have to be put in a splint the next morning. I can just see me sitting that way for six weeks!
  16. S

    Climbing after a break

    I'd start doing some weight lifting if I were you. Chin ups would also be beneficial. Here I am giving you advice and I don't even climb a tree! LOL But I believe you would have to do all over strengthening if you were to ease back into it.
  17. S

    Does Anyone Deep Fry Their Christmas Turkey?

    We did it for the first time this year and it was delicious!!!! I have to say it was one of the moistest, tenderest turkeys I've ever had. I thought it would be greasy but it wasn't and I was suitable impressed.
  18. S

    Snake Meat?

    Ewwwwwwwww!!! I can't imagine ever eating snake by choice. I don't think I would ever try it unless I was stuck somewhere and had no other choice and I was starving. Again-Ewwwwwwwwwwwww!:tinysmile_tongue_t:
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    Best Time For Fishing

    I like to fish in the rain but if you don't fish right as it's starting to rain, the rain will wash too many insects into the water and you may as well quit after that. I also like to fish at dusk when the fish start jumping up for their evening meal.
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    What's The Easiest Way To Carry A Baby On A Hike?

    When my son was little (about 6-8 months), I used a sling for the front. It seemed natural for me to carry him there and he was comfortable. After he got bigger than that we got one of the frames for us to use to carry him in the back. He loved that and would sit for hours in that thing.