Search results

  1. K

    Fish Gigging?

    Oh yes, we used to do this a lot several years ago. It was really fun but you had to try and make sure it was a calm night so the water was nice and slick. The better to see the fish. We have a lot of new regulations now and can't gig some that you used to be able and we just sort of got out of it.
  2. K

    First camping trip

    I'm not sure if you would call it a camping trip or not but it was when I was still a child and we got to 'camp out' in the backyard. :) To us it was camping and we had a great time.
  3. K

    Looking forward to camping on Thanksgiving

    That sounds like a lot of fun and hope you have a great time. :) We haven't really decided exactly what we are going to do as yet. Trying to decide if we should just stay home, go to relatives house or just take off and go somewhere.
  4. K

    Camping on by the water or does it matter?

    We are really water people. When we go on vacation (if not camping) we always tend to go to the water. It's pretty much the same with camping. We always seem to find ourselves finding campsites/grounds that or on or near the water. What about you? Does it matter at all?
  5. K

    Who introduced you to camping?

    I never did much camping growing up so it was mostly after I got married. Hubby wasn't really into it either but we gave it a try one time and liked it. We don't go as often as we would like but enjoy it when we do. :)
  6. K

    Christmas Trees, Real or Artificial?

    We have had the fake trees and real ones. But, I really don't like putting one up until about a week, two at the most before Christmas and then it comes down within a day or two after.
  7. K

    Kids camping out in backyard

    Well at least it will make them all happy and they will just be in the back yard so you can keep and eye on them. I'm sure they will have a lot of fun.
  8. K

    Northern Beans

    I love both Northern and Pinto beans cooked up in the winter with lots of ham in them. I can also make a meal off of just those with some cornbread or biscuits.
  9. K

    Turkey Call Phone Ring

    Yes, I imagine that was a bit funny. Rude but funny none the less. I also think there is a place to turn off phones for a while or at least what was mentioned, put them on vibrate.
  10. K

    Went on first Kayak trip!

    Sounds like you had fun. This is something that I still want to try sooner or later. From what I hear is sounds like it is a lot of fun to do.
  11. K

    Sleeping Time

    It really all depends on if we are camping with a bunch of others and just stay up talking and such. Sometimes if it is just us, we will just go to bed whenever we are tired.
  12. K

    Scuba diving while on cruise?

    We don't really do much scuba diving but we're going on a cruise to the Bahama's in a few weeks and thought we might give it a try. Some of the others going with us want to do it too. Do you know if they will let you if you haven't had lessons? Would it be best to try and get some in before we...
  13. K

    How old were you

    I don't really hunt much either but I can remember going with my grandfather when I was around 10 or so. He was hunting rabbits at the time I think. I can remember not being real thrilled at watching the rabbits get shot.
  14. K

    Everyone Ready For Winter?

    We don't have a whole lot to do either but guess we are as ready as you can be. Just hoping it isn't a real cold one. Although guess I shouldn't complain since we are in Florida also and don't have to fight all the snow and ice.
  15. K

    Went Hiking

    Well we finally got to go hiking this past weekend and thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. Now I have to admit that we aren't what you would call big time hikers but we do like to go once in a while. They have some nice places out in the Forrest not to far from us, so we packed up a small lunch and...
  16. K

    Time outdoors...but not the good kind

    Oh bummer. Glad I'm not you guys. But, alas, these things have to be done sooner or later, just to bad it ends up being on a weekend. Plan on treating yourselves the following weekend. :)
  17. K

    Backyard Camp out

    Well it sound like they must have had fun. I can remember doing something like this growing up with friends. We got to have a small fire in a fire pit so we could roast hot dogs. It was always fun.
  18. K

    Mom and Dad bought a Camper!

    My mom and dad decided they were going to buy themselves a camper. I think they are getting one of those cab overs that you can drive and looks kind of like a van? They will probably pull a small car behind it. They just decided they wanted to hit the road since they have both retired. (I hope...
  19. K

    Rained out :(

    That's a real bummer when that happens. Were you going tent camping or do you have a trailer or maybe a hunting camp? I hope the forecast is wrong or maybe off by a day or two so that way you could maybe get in at least a day, maybe two? Good luck.
  20. K

    Bananas on the fire?

    I don't think I have heard of that hippieP so not sure if he is messing with you or not. :) Now that bananas foster, that sounds really good and not so hard to make. Thanks for the recipe and will be careful with the Rum. :)