Search results

  1. J

    Best S'mores Recipe

    Oh my gosh I get so hungry when I read your recommendations! I love Nutella and love recipes with it.... it sounds so tasty and delicious. I have to copy that. In general I love sweet stuff, especially chocolate! I ordered some gourmet chocolate on line and ate them all in a week! When I think...
  2. J

    The Oscars

    I haven't seen the artist yet, and I'm not sure if I want to see it, I'm not into silent movies at all... btw. I've watched Hugo now and I think it's a great movie and deserved the prizes. I likes the whole scenery and it was interesting to look at it.
  3. J

    Bringing Pets To The Race

    I guess these people have no other choice than to bring their pets with them, maybe they have nobody at home to take care of them.... but I doubt that the races are a good place for dogs, the noise and the dirt could make them nervous... or even aggressive!
  4. J

    Whitney Houston died

    I was very shocked when I heard about this news. It's always like that when popular people are dying where you thought that they will live forever- because they always were there. Do you know what I mean?
  5. J

    Mushroom hunting

    Sometimes I go for mushrooms hunting, because it's fun.. Unfortunately I tend to have bad luck and then I find nearly nothing :(
  6. J


    oh my gosh 97 messages? This is a massive amount ;) Did you look at all of them or have you just skipped them? I don't have many friends therefore I don't get so many messages either. I think I'm happy about that :)
  7. J

    Leave the booze at home, please, or at least BE QUIET

    Many people consider that camping in a tent is the same like making an alcohol excess and don't think of their neighbors, it's really annoying. Well sometimes if I like these people I like to join the fun ;) But most of the time I just want to sleep bit it's not possible! *sigh* It should be a...
  8. J

    Do you ever worry about theft?

    When I camped in a tent I use a locker sometimes, but of course it wouldn't hamper a thief to get into the tent... so yes I really worry about getting robbed, but I don't think there's anything I can do to make this situation more secure! Just take the most important items with you in a bag...
  9. J

    Mobile Satellite Internet

    It depends how long you are planning to stay. For just 1-2 weeks I would say: Skip the internet, it's not necessary to be available all the time. But if you plan to stay for several months it is necessary and there are many possibilities for wireless internet. A cell phone is really the most...
  10. J

    Red Rock Canyon

    I've never been to Colorado before and I have to admit that I regret this.. When I look at your picture the only thing I can see is the beauty of the nature. It's a great place and I envy you for the chance to have been there. Maybe I should plan a trip for next year!
  11. J


    I totally understand that. I also avoid playing all those games and ignore people who play a lot because it's annoying when the whole messages page is full of game invitations... I use it just for talking with my friends and events. This is very comfy.
  12. J


    Hello everybody! Since I wrote some posts now I thought it would be nice when I introduce myself.. my name is John! I stumbled across this forum when I googled a little bit around and searched for outdoor experiences. I read some discussions and thought that it might be an advantage for me when...
  13. J


    Depends on how many of your friends use it I guess... if you get a lot of messages from folks you know you might end up using it more. Many just play those games and whatnot.
  14. J

    What in the World is Happening to the Weather?

    Im all for global warming :P No not really.... but it would be awesome to live somewhere where the temps always hovered around 23°C or 70-90 fahrenheit.
  15. J

    Duct Tape

    I have used it to fix all sorts of things :) Last year I fixed my fan which decided to detach itself from the stand it came with and break off, I wrapped the fan up with the stand with a thick layer of duct tape, holds up nicely :D
  16. J

    The Oscars

    Is that Hugo film any good? I haven't seen it but it got several oscars, shame Rooney mara didn't get one :(