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  1. F

    Hot dogs

    How do you eat your hot dogs? My girlfriend is an odd girl. I've never seen anyone put so many condiments on a hot dog in my life. Off hand I remember her putting ketchup, mustard, mayonaise, tomato, avocado, garlic, pepper, and crunched up ruffles chips. She says thats how they do it where she...
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    This just ain't right

    Well don't forget it's 2012 and supposedly the earth is going to end this year with all that global warming stuff. :tinysmile_twink_t2: You have climate change to think for your lack of snow. :tinysmile_tongue_t:
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    Hiking and Meteorites

    Wouldn't a meteorite be buried in the ground though? Falling that high, it seems that it would be under the soil and covered with time. I prefer to look for large astroids shooting down at my area. That way, hopefully I'll be the first to claim it. :tinysmile_tongue_t:
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    Title for a motorcycle

    I had never thought about this before, but I was watching a tv program and they were talking about motorcycles. They said a bike is useless without a title. Is this true? I wasn't aware that bikes were treated the same as a car. Would this be the same for an off-road bike as well?
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    populated areas and police

    I don't think the ideal backpacking location is the ghetto or anywhere in a populated area as others have basically stated. When I think of backpacking, I think of out in the wilderness on trails or something to that effect. And if you ever run into police anywhere, just be polite and...
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    Up sick with my 4 year old son.

    Okay, you and the other guy win. You had it worse. :tinysmile_tongue_t: Hydethebeef, there are a lot of good documentaries on Netflix. I watched an interesting one about "dumpster diving". It was all about how this country wastes half the food that is actually produced. At first I was...
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    Hiking Goals

    I don't really set any hiking goals. If I hike, it's just for pure enjoyment and to sight see. I guess my goal would be to just enjoy where ever I'm at and get some good exercise in as well. Also, just to be safe too.
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    Up sick with my 4 year old son.

    When I was growing up, we watched cartoons. :tinysmile_tongue_t: Times have certainly changed in what kids watch now I guess. Television was also more innocent back then too. Whatever makes the kid happy, you have to go with. I hope you feel better soon.
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    Preventing Boredom

    This pretty much sums it up. If you're going to be bored camping you shouldn't really go. Just make sure you do things like Lamebeaver says, and also I assume you don't go alone so go with people you enjoy being around. Camping should be fun and relaxing.
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    Son just announced he wants to go today to look at 4 wheeler

    I guess that makes sense WildRover, about the weight issue. For me I've been on both, but they were mini bikes. I never got hurt on the ATV, but I did mess myself up on the 2 wheeler. It was my fault though, because I went to fast down a hill and hit a jump and flew over the handle bars. I only...
  11. F

    I've never been backpacking but I've always wondered...

    And be careful what kind of leaves you use to wipe your behind. You don't want to end up with problems due to something like poison ivy. :tinysmile_twink_t2: Of course, I'd bring toilet paper with me if I was going because I'm not fond of leaves down there.
  12. F

    Son just announced he wants to go today to look at 4 wheeler

    Forgive me if I look naive, but aren't ATV's safer than something like a dirt bike simply because they have four wheels? What is the danger in them other than speed, which holds true for all vehicles. Like oldsarge said, young and old people use them and are safe riders.
  13. F

    Nomad Style?

    I agree with most. It might be fun to think about, but the reality is that it wouldn't be all that exciting when you're sitting their bored out of your mind. I can hardly stand my internet being out for even a couple hours so that way of life might do me in. :tinysmile_twink_t2:
  14. F

    How long does it take you to put up your tent?

    I don't see putting up a tent as a big deal. They don't take long at all and also there is always someone to help. I'm not a fan of packing up everything to go home though.
  15. F

    Time for warm socks!

    I really don't change anything when it comes to the cold and my feet. Heck, I still even walk around indoors barefoot. If I did get cold, I'd just put on my slippers and everything would be just fine. I'm weird.
  16. F

    Bringing your pet

    I must be slow, because it took me a moment to get your joke. That's so true and I didn't even think of it. Outwest, I totally agree with you and that's not even the worst of it. I can't stand hearing about animal abuse in the news.
  17. F

    i sent a money order to camping gear outlet

    I'm not really sure how money orders work, but I've heard you can get burned on them. They warn you not to use them for payments on sites like Craigslist. I hope you get your problem resolved.
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    Bringing your pet

    If you go camping and bring your dog, please remember to pick up after them. It's not nice for someone like me to step in their droppings after they just came up to me as a stranger and I gave them a good pat on the head. :tinysmile_twink_t2: I'm trying to be funny here, but that really has...
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    Layaway is back!

    I thought for sure they had gotten rid of it, but I might be wrong. I only heard about it in the news first and then I saw it advertised when I was picking up some things at a Kmart. I'm learning my lesson to just buy what I can afford and if I want something, I'll save for it.
  20. F

    Too late for snowboarding?

    I don't talk like that. :P Isn't that how blonde surfer dude's from California talk? Ponderosa, that is nuts! I wouldn't skydive at any age. I do know someone that has it as a hobby and he was badly injured on a fall once. Way too risky and scary for me.