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  1. P

    Camping without bathrooms?

    Public bathrooms are usually pretty gross, whether they are in a campground, a restaurant, a store. I also will not camp somewhere without a restroom. Even though most of them are groooooossss.
  2. P

    The wife is grounded

    Congratulations to you both. A friend of mine just announced that she is expecting again and I think she is due around the first of the year. At least you won't be big and pregnant during the heat!
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    I think you can make a cobbler in a frying pan can't you? I have never done it but I know I have seen it on TV. A cast iron fryer would probably be the way to go.
  4. P

    Favorite brand of water filter

    Most of the ones I have used have worked great. I don't pay a lot of attention to the brands, only what is on sale or for a great price.
  5. P

    If you encounter a bear?

    I have heard you need to be fully in defense mode as you never know how a bear will react. I've never come across one and thank goodness because I would wet myself. lol
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    I think I remember hearing something a long time ago about certain grasses that have water in them when you split the leaves apart. Is this something for real?
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    Anyone borrow a friend's camper before? I don't like to borrow things but would like to see if I could borrow my neighbors' camper for a quick trip in a few weeks. Not sure if it's worth the risk.
  8. P

    Just go for it or reservations?

    I have "winged" it many times and been lucky enough to find some place to stay but it's not for everyone. With kids in tow I'd recommend making some kind of reservations.
  9. P

    Loving those crickets!

    I like the sound of crickets too. I even bought a CD a while ago that has outdoor sounds to it and crickets is one of the sounds. It's nice to hear throughout the year as I'm trying to fall asleep.
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    Turkey babies!

    Do you have a picture? I don't think I've seen young turkeys in the wild. Are they furry like other birds appear to be when they're little and newly born?
  11. P

    Finding a horse

    For those that own horses where did you find your horse? Or have you always owned one that you don't know where the original came from? lol :tinysmile_tongue_t: Just curious where horses come from.
  12. P

    Bears? or Moose?

    Moose hunting has always seemed really cool to me. They seem like such serene animals and I would definitely love to see them live in the wild one day.
  13. P

    Catching Little Ones

    Use the little ones as bait! That's what I would do. :) Many times it's just luck of the draw. I know there have been times when I've caught nothing and times when I've caught nice ones!
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    Jason, we do that as well - leave a vehicle at both ends. I remember one of the first times I went we didn't think that through.... It was not fun figuring out a way back to the truck.
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    If you are looking at a discount store like Walmart or similar, I wouldn't give you a nickle for those. I'd look at stores like Cabela's or Bass Pro as they tend to have better quality outdoor items.
  16. P

    Grizzly bear kills Park Ridge man

    Stories like this are sad but do not make me want to lock myself up in my home and never hike or camp ever again. It's just like a car accident - it happens but it shouldn't keep you from living your life.
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    Chiggers are evil and should be banned from everywhere!! I really, really dislike them as I've had them so badly before that I scratched myself silly and end up bleeding. It was AWFUL.
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    I really enjoyed the book series but was not a big fan of the second movie. The first was pretty good but the second fell short I thought. I might try and see Eclipse next month but I'm in no hurry.
  19. P

    Speaking of cold - how do you keep your fingertips from freezing?

    I have poor circulation in my hands and feet and have a horrible time with my fingertips being cold during the winter. When you're camping do you have a special technique to keep your hands warm? :tinysmile_fever_t:
  20. P

    What is your homepage?

    Google for me too. I used to have yahoo as my home page but I felt like I was smacked in the face with way too much information too early in the morning. Now google let's me wake up with a basic white screen and search bar before having coffee!