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  1. H

    Camping Movies

    I really like Out of Africa. While not a camping movie it does show living of the land and living closer to nature. It was a really touching movie to me.
  2. H

    Bernanke is an idiot

    Yeah, Coz has it. When gas went up it didn't just effect my gas budget. The shopping prices went up. I was talking to the manager at our grocery store who said they had to raise prices because it was costing so much more to fill the trucks. So now people have to add more to their gas budgets and...
  3. H

    Re-pack your pack?

    Tonight I am going to go through my backpack, check my first aid kit and repack the bag. Now that the weather is cooling I need to make sure it is packed for the cooler weather. Do you repack your bag for the fall?
  4. H

    Do leaches die in the fall?

    I see, a few years is a long time. Are the leaches that live longer sub tropical, and the ones that die quickly in places that get really cold winters?
  5. H

    How To Store Potatoes

    I never thought about taking them down to the basement. Thanks for the idea, I am going to try that. Our potatoes seem to go bad pretty quickly where we live.
  6. H

    End Of Summer Bargains

    I saw some swim suits on sale. I thought about getting some but my kids grow so fast, how do I know for sure they will fit next year?
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    Do leaches die in the fall?

    What is the life cycle of leaches? Do they migrate to rivers and go south, do they burrow deep in to the ground under the water or do they lay eggs and die in the fall or winter?
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    Hoof Abcess

    I don't have a horse but I have had an abscess. What I have learned is you have to go to a doctor! They hurt, and suck pretty bad! I have seen cats die from them. I would say never try to treat an abscess in any living thing yourself unless it is your only choice.
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    He walked away

    I have this reaction when there is trouble. I can't help but to act. Honestly, there are times I should have stayed out of things and acted. But it is instinct. If I think someone is in trouble it is like I am on auto pilot and automatically do everything I can to help. One example of something...
  10. H

    Official End Of Summer

    I hate the winter. I respect those of you who can get out there in the cold weather with the best of them. I am just not cut out for the cold. I am trying to make these last few days stretch as long as I can.
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    I am entering a poetry contest but I do not feel very inspired. Some of my best poetry has been written while I was out in nature. What is the most inspirational spot you have been to?
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    What's the deal with the chupacabra?

    I heard that some are calling it a hyote because it looks like a mix between a coyote and a hyena. I don't know if that is what it really is. I hope they catch one that they actually study. It could be a brand new species.
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    The Showers

    I wouldn't use the showers if the water was a funny color like that. You have no idea what could be in it. I would much rather just go dirty than risk something like that.
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    When I was younger my family took me out to shoot bows and arrows all the time. For awhile it was a hobby of mine. I haven't done it in a long time, but I hope to do it soon. Yes, that is very possible.
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    Best competition bike?

    What would the best bike be for a 10 year old who wants to eventually enter competitions. He is learning tricks on his current bike, but it is a 10 speed and doesn't seem to do as well as the other kids bikes.
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    I find it handy to have tarps around, not just at home but while camping too. I have 3 different sized ones. Still they do take up space. Do you take tarps camping with you?
  17. H

    Lake Hope

    There has been a beach area there for sometime. Perhaps you missed it. There is a beach right next to a dock on the far south west side of the lake. It is a TINY beach though and almost looks like part of the dock. So I can see how you missed it. Wonderful pictures by the way!
  18. H

    Survial seminar

    I love taking survival seminars. I have taken quite a few but I find each time I go to one I learn something new. Different presenters and teachers will explore something different from the next.
  19. H

    Lights and how many?

    I agree, it depends on how many people there are. I used to just carry one really good flashlight. Now I have a head lamp too and I would not leave home without it.
  20. H

    Active or laid back camper?

    I am a very active camper. When I get out I want to see anything and everything. For me camping is about exploring the unknown and getting as much exercise as possible.