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  1. S

    Night Riding

    No never heard of it. Can you explain it more?
  2. S

    Do you like Horse Riding ?

    As i have already mentioned, i had a very bad experience with the horse riding and so i have never tried after that.
  3. S

    Bike Helmets

    Yeah of course its a rule to were a helmet while driving. I dont want to risk my life. I use helmet while driving.
  4. S

    Which one is best for yout to ride ?

    Hosr riding, gave me a very bad experience, and i have never tried riding on camel. Then it just leaves with elephant. Actually it was a good experience.
  5. S

    Woud you like to ride a camel ?

    Yeah i love to but to be frank i have never seen a camel in my life for real. But i would like to!!!
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    ATV's never heard of it. I have a yamaha r1 and its cool.
  7. S

    Pony vs Big Horse

    As my first horse riding experience was too bad i neither like them both. I am scared!!!
  8. S

    who like bicycle riding ?

    Yeah i like bicyle riding, even while in home i used to go to shops by bicycle ride.
  9. S

    Have anyone gone on a elephant ride?

    Yeah i have been on elephant so many times. It was so fun to ride on it.
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    horseback riding experience

    I had a very bad experience with this. The first time when i tried to get on the horse, i fell down and it was so embarrassing.
  11. S

    Best Camping Food for you !!

    A lot of fruits and some toasts would be a good food while camping.
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    The one thing you couldn't go without?

    A digital camera, flash light and lot of water.
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    What is your favorite?

    My favorite sport is River Rafting, Canoeing, trekking, hiking, backpacking,trail running, scuba diving, cavediving.
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    Your worst camping experience

    I had a very worst camping experience, recently in peru, while camping i just fell down sliding in a valley. Was hurt so much.
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    How many people sleep in one tend ?

    A maximum of three per tent while camping. Yeah i have camped with my girl friend. At that time, we alone used to sleep together.
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    I love coffee and these. I need either one when i get up in the morning. Without these, my day would be lost.
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    Best camping drink for you !

    Morning tea, more water all day and some times energy drinks.
  18. S

    Do you take snacks during camping ?

    Yes of course i love snakes. I carry a lot of them while camping. Chips is my favorite item.
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    Camping stoves

    I have a kerosene stove and its very much useful while camping.
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    what equipment need for camping ?

    A sleeping bag, flash light, water, Blankets & Pillows, the necessary things for rising a tent. etc..