Search results

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    Dancing in camp fire

    Yeah i love to dance especially with my girl friend. In that cold night, dancing in the camp fire is just very good. Try it..
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    Tent heaters

    I dont know anything about this, but the sugessions made above are good as i searched about them. Try any of those.
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    Group camping !

    Gropu campinf is wonderul experience. We went went i was in high school. We enjoyed the night was so cool...
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    How do you find your way?

    I use both, the classical way of using map and gps some times.
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    Maze of Mountains

    Amazing picture guys.....What is the place?
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    Anyone know about winter camping ?

    Winter camping is so great and awesome. I went with my girl friend and its absolutely great. Go with your girl friend.
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    Best place for camping?

    Australia is a great country to visit. It has an excellent view in the ocean. So green and white. Visit it.
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    General Camping questions

    Actually where are you from? and what is the region or country you would like to visit? If you give these details i would help you.
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    Pets and camping

    Yeah i take my dog every time i go for trekking. He is very good in hunting rabbits. He just saves us food while packing.
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    Favorite diving spots

    The Caribbean is one of my favorite place but have never visited :P. But i am planning for it.
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    How is scuba diving?

    I have tried it once and it was awesome. I tried it when i was in australia. A great country and a great trip.
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    what are the advantages and disadvantages of Trekking?

    You will enjoy it but you will be incredibly tired. And the most difficult thing is bag packing while leaving.
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    Longest Hike/Climb you've done!

    I dont remember or neither i do note these. I just do these for fun and so haven't noted height and all.
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    Night tour

    Yeah i have just roamed around in the woods but trekking i wont its not safe to trek after dark. Have you tried?
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    Any dangerous place you hiked?

    Is there any dangerous place where you hiked or trekked? Any thing just share here. Thanks
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    Suggest a place for solo trekking

    I know only group trekking would be interesting and will have a lot of fun, but i want to try a solo trekking on my own so any one please suggest a safe and a good place.
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    Which season is best for trekking ?

    I would like to trek in spring season since its my favorite season.
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    Check list for Trekking

    And other essential things are flash light, water and medicines.
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    Some tips

    Never miss the essential things like flash light, water and tissue papers.
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    Trekking in Nepal

    Nepal is a great place for trekking and hiking. But i never got a chance to visit any of the places there.