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  1. W

    What kind of boat do you want?

    I am a simple man, all I would need to go fishing is a 35 foot fishing boat. Anything bigger than that is too big and not necessary in my opinion, but to each his own. What size boat do you want?
  2. W

    Things you had to learn the hard way

    Life is all about experience and experience is the best teacher. No matter how much you read or someone explains how easy or difficult something is you can never really know until you do it yourself. The first time I tried to start a fire by rubbing sticks together quickly became my last. I...
  3. W

    What do you do to pass the time while camping?

    Someone asked me this a while back and I thought to myself, camping IS what you do to pass the time. Maybe I missed the point of the question, so I'm asking what do you do to pass the time while camping?
  4. W

    No Tents

    If you are caught out in the wilderness without a tent, the best thing to do is to find a high place to sleep, like a tree. Most of the animals that could hurt you won't be looking up in the trees for something to eat. Generally the higher the better.
  5. W

    Rock climbing

    I've been interested in rock climbing for a while but I'm not sure how to get started. I've done some mountain climbing before but nothing that requires the upper body strength of rock climbing. Any advice?
  6. W

    Do you like your meat charred?

    Steak over an open flame is the best thing ever! It is fine the way it is, no extra seasoning needed. My favorite way is to cut the steak into cubes and cook it on a skewer... kabob style!
  7. W

    Have you ever ridden a bull?

    That is unfortunate what happened to that person, not to sound insensitive but I've seen people die in car crashes that hasn't stopped me from riding or driving a car. How you deal with your fear is up to you and I'm not saying you should or should not get over it, everyone is afraid of...
  8. W

    Untouched by Human Hands

    I have to agree with Bushman, I would go in a heartbeat. Sure the situation seems scary at first, but once you have been through it you can look back and be glad you went through it. I don't go looking for adventure but when I have one I'm able to tell a story about it, like the time I went...
  9. W

    Has anyone ever....

    ....been in a situation where you were out in the wilderness and you had to figure out how to survive for a few days? I don't mean you went out camping and came back, I mean you are stuck out in the wilderness and you have to figure out how to get food, water and shelter for a day or two.
  10. W

    I don't understand...

    I do not like people that hunt just for sport, but I do think I understand why. Its usually a mental issue of some sort, perhaps an inferiority complex where they feel powerless and hunting makes them feel strong. Of course I could be totally wrong... I'm no doctor...
  11. W

    Traveling by boat.

    I have friends in the Caribbean who have to travel from one island to another by boat to get to work, granted its a ferry and they don't own the boat, but it is how they get to work. I've done it a few times myself and it's kind of like catching the bus. The ride is only 20 minutes long, so...
  12. W


    I have not been to Hawaii, but I have scubaed in the Caribbean. Its not hard to do and you can get certified within a matter of weeks, depending on your instructor's schedule. As for the having a hard time breathing, that is probably because she tried to hold her breath, you NEVER hold your...
  13. W

    Shin splints

    I used to get shin splints when I ran until I found out that my feet over prownate (sorry I'm not sure how you spell it). Basically my feet roll in when I run. Once I found that out and I got the proper types of shoes with arch supports, shin splits became a thing of the past for me. Take...
  14. W

    Do you prefer a Trek or a Hike?

    I'm with you on that one Bushman. Why do people think the show was called 'Star Trek'? A trek is a journey, where you don't know what you will encounter, at least in my definition anyway.
  15. W

    What would you bring

    I'm with you, I would defiantly try to have some sort of blade with me or a Swiss Army knife, preferably with a saw on it. My second choice would be some flint. You need to start a fire somehow.:tinysmile_fatgrin_t
  16. W

    Horse vs ATV

    I was wondering how people felt about riding a horse as opposed to riding an ATV and vice verse. And I was also wondering which seems easier to own or take care of.
  17. W

    What kind of rope do you use?

    Of course the type of rope you need depends on the situation, but I find that nylon cord is the most versatile rope you can have. Its light and very strong. Does anyone use anything else?
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    I have heard of Turducken, but I have always wondered, how difficult is it to prepare. Have you ever heard of Turbaconducken? Its basically Turducken wrapped in bacon.
  19. W

    Certification for diving?

    Becoming a certified diver is easy. You just have to find a class in your area and take the classes. Depending on the size of the class it make take a few weeks or a few months to become certified, but its not very hard to do.
  20. W

    Do you always keep what you hunt?

    I do not approve of hunting for sport. If I kill it I will eat it. That's the law of the wild, you only kill to eat or to defend yourself not for sport. Aside from just the ethical things to deal with, I think your friend has some bad karma to deal with later on down the road because of that.