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  1. F


    Never heard of it myself, but, luckily, Wikipedia knows all: Snuba - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia It says you wear minimal equipment, and breathe through a tether line hitched to a mother ship. (Actually, they said "raft", but that sounded too boring.) Thanks for the tip, Erwin - I...
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    Man, would I ever be ticked! Maybe the next place you go, you could rubber band a note to the rack, clearly stating "SAVE FOR OWNER". Show the owner the sign as you state - clearly - that you want the antlers saved.
  3. F

    Lewis & Clark Wannabe

    Are there any areas left in America that really give the feel of the old pioneers? Not one of these simulated societies where they truck you to a homestead and let you milk a cow while your wife wears a bonnet. Real wilderness type areas where you can crest a mountain and look out over acres...
  4. F

    Hiking Alone

    Rookie, it sounds as if you are take all the right precautions. If you need some extra reassurance you could always bring your dog (or borrow a friend's). They are not only good company, they can be good protection and can bark for help if you get in trouble.
  5. F

    Anyone Bring a Guide or Handbook?

    I rarely bring guidebooks with me, although I stash several in my car. I carry my camera and journal to record what I find, then use my reference guides when I get back. (I just know that if I carry my tree book, I'll find a butterfly, and if I bring my tree book I'll find a frog!)
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    Turning back

    What would make you turn back on a trail? If you had planned to be out all day, had packed provisions for several hours and started out, what would it take for you to say "that's it. I'm outta here."?
  7. F

    Flies vs lures

    Isn't fly fishing where you stand hip deep in the river and the line dips elegantly behind you before sailing gracefully over your head to land yards and yards in front of you, exactly where you wanted it to land? Poetic, yes. Easy, no. I need to stick with stringing a worm onto my hook and...
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    Delicate Question...

    My favorite was standing on the continental divide, adding to the volume of the Atlantic then the Pacific, Atlantic, Pacific. Women, don't you envy us men?
  9. F

    Wet matches

    I store my matches in an empty medicine bottle. I also bring along a small magnifying glass to help start fires on sunny days. (It also helps to find the splinters that seem to love my fingers!)
  10. F

    How Easy it is to get Lost

    One day when my wife and I were traveling, we stopped at one of those roadside picnic spots to stretch our legs. There were beautiful woods there, so we found a small trail, walked for maybe five minutes then turned back. We came up over the rise expecting to see the car, and instead saw...
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    Clean drinking water

    I've always known about boiling water, but never knew about filtering it. Thanks for the articles, Fridge! The other note I would add (since it's currently snowing outside) is a reminder to melt snow before drinking it.
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    Teaching an old dog....

    I've only ever found them at low tide also, but we were in Maine. We look for their little air holes bubbling out of the sand, then tunnel down to find them. After we collected them we had to go online and check for Red Tide. If it was a Red Tide, we had to toss them all back in.
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    Tent, Camper, or Under the Stars

    If my dog is with me, I don't mind sleeping outside. When it's just us humans, I'll stick with a tent, for the tiny bit of protection it will provide from whatever wildlife is lurking out there.
  14. F

    Wood Stoves

    Does anyone here use a wood stove to heat their home? As a lover of campfires I thought wood stoves would be a piece of cake. It took me the longest time to figure out that wood stove fires are not at all like campfires.
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    Blazing a Trail

    In my woods, I just walk the same way every time. It doesn't take long for a path to start forming. When I need to clear trees, I choose ones that would open my chosen path, or would clear a way for a new path I'd like to start. P.S. John - What's a "McCloud"?
  16. F

    Would you eat road kill?

    Out of curiosity I called Town Hall to ask. They said I could take it, but I'd have to report it to DEC, and no, it wouldn't count as one taken on my license. I wonder how many people report the deer they hit to DEC? I sure never have.
  17. F

    ATV Power Sledding

    One of our boys favorite winter activities is power sledding behind the ATV. We tie a rope to the front of a sled and hitch it to the ATV, then zoom around the house. They go flying, especially around the corners!
  18. F

    Snow shoes

    We haven't tried snowshoes yet. We have constant snowcover from December to March, so it would probably make sense. Can kids use them too? Do you get them by shoe size or by weight?
  19. F

    Teaching the kiddies

    When we clear the driveway, we pile it all into mounds that the kids use to make tunnels and caves. It makes for great lessons in physics when they try to tunnel too fast, too deep, too wide, etc. They discover on their own the benefits of a rounded roof and branching tunnels.
  20. F

    Crazy glue in the first aid kit

    We've always used the crazy glue idea, but have often wondered whether we were poisoning ourselves. Good to know about Dermabond. Is that available at regular stores, or do you have to special order it?