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    First fishing trip

    This last weekend I finally got an opportunity to get out of the house for a good while and do some fishing. Sitting back fishing and drinking a beer or two was just what I needed.
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    The things I get asked

    It isn't just people that are from other places than the U. S. because of where I live people think we are all inbred hillbillies and I can't stand that either. You know just because there might be someone stupid enough to do such a thing doesn't mean we all are.
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    Useless gadgets

    I don't really know how I have obtained them but I have plenty of useless gadgets. There are things in my hunting, camping, hiking and fishing gear that I have no idea what to use them for.
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    Would you let your daughter hunt?

    I would definitely take my daughters hunting if they were interested in going. I think they need to know how to safely handle a gun.
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    Cell Phone

    We take ours with us since there are times it might come in handy. My girls would not go if they couldn't take their phones either.
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    How many trips do you have planned?

    We have two already planned but I am sure we will just load up and go about a dozen or so more times. I love just jumping up and going but some of the places we want to go are booked up almost all year so we had to make rsv for these two.
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    Float tubes

    There is an area close by that my family likes to go tubing at so I made the purchase of six of these things and save a ton of money on something we all love.
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    Insects For Dinner

    OldSarge, the military will train some of the men and women to eat bugs if they don't have anything else, or is this just another wives tale that people have told me?
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    Is it Spring?

    I know exactly what you mean but I know a few years that is exactly what happened here. The worse thing is we got more snow later than we did during the whole winter months.
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    Jewelry and the outdoors

    I don't wear anything extremely expensive and really only wear my watch that I have specifically for camping, hiking and other outdoor activities. I wouldn't want to be without my watch.
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    My purse got me looks....

    Joe, just imagine how fast your buddies would be out to get them one if one of them had their guns tucked in their pants and it went off. Sorry I had too! lol
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    The river monster that's also a dinosaur

    You guys are to funny! I remember seeing that episode but the one that has me freaking is the little fish that can swim into your body and eat you from the inside out.
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    Major influence?

    My dad was a major influence on me. He was a real mountain man you might say and took me all over Tennessee camping, hiking and rock climbing.
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    Giardia in the water

    There was something in our drinking water a while back can't remember what it was called but I know it affected our stomachs and made me sick. It isn't uncommon from what I understand and not everyone is affected by it. Sorry I can't think of what it was.
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    Endangered Species

    This is interesting it not only shows the animals but it shows plants also. I had no idea there were seventy endangered species and twenty endangered plants here.
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    Security Measures

    Never had to worry about it but a friend of mine actually carries electric wire and puts it around the campsite. I usually only carry my gun with me and ofcourse my rott comes along too.
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    Anyone here make your own DIY gear?

    That is an awesome contraption. I am steamed up to start checking into doing some of this myself. I love making things and enjoy the challenge certain things provide.
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    Skunk B Gon

    I think I have heard of it but if i was the one that got sprayed I would be so embarrassed to go into a store smelling that way. Does Walmart sell this stuff?
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    Nice Buck

    That is a nice buck and I am sure he got a freezer full of some good meat. I saw one about that size yesterday but I didn't have my gun handy.
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    Possum and Nutria

    Have any of you guys ever ate possum or nutria? I found a recipe for possum in an old cookbook from the 70's and I know someone who told me they eat nutria in the bayous of Louisiana.