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  1. C

    Trailer people question

    We've had trailers before and always try to cook outside as much as we can. It is usually cooler that way, especially in the summer time. I think if you were going to use that type of stove at home too then it would be worth it.
  2. C

    Do You Tell Scary Stories Around The Campfire

    We do that a lot. The kids get a kick out of it. We let them make up some and they can get pretty imaginative, let me tell you!
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    Cooking up a big Ham

    Hi Gabbie, that sounds like a really great way to cook up a ham. I usually use pineapple. I think I will try the orange juice next time with the brown sugar. Thanks for mentioning it.
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    American Pickers

    I like to watch that show too along with Pawn Stars. I'm not sure how they come up with all of these new shows but some are fun to watch. It looks like a fun thing to do but then they only show the fun part of it.
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    Kids Christmas Vacation!

    The kids get out of school on the 16th of this month and don't go back until the second of Jan. I think I am looking more forward to it then they are. We will have time to get a lot of things done while they are out of school and have some fun.
  6. C

    Cooking up a big Ham

    We have also done this a few times and it sure makes it a lot easier while camping. There is nothing like a nice thick ham sandwich for lunch. :)
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    Can, Powdered or Regular Milk?

    Which do you like to bring along when you are going camping for a few days? We prefer to bring Regular along when we have the room.
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    Do you make sausage?

    We are like you StillLkeToCamp, we don't make any ourselves but do have several friends that hunt and make a lot of it up. They always share with us. :) I've actually gotten to where I don't like to buy it in the stores now.
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    Do you like Monday's?

    I've never really minded Mondays myself. I think like was mentioned, some just party to hardy over the weekend and dread having to get up to go to work.
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    Family of Otters

    We seen them now and then on the river that we fish. They can be amusing to watch but can be kind of destructive if near a Marina. They like to get on the boats and chew and sometimes 'take care of business' while on them. Some of the owners aren't as thrilled to see them as others. :)
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    Dog shoots owner

    Well I guess it ended up being funny because he got it in the butt and not the head. Not sure what the guy was thinking laying a gun down like that where the dog could even get close to it.
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    Peanut Butter Marshmallow Pie

    This sounds like just what we would all like in my family. We love peanut butter and the other ingredients that are combined with this sound like a great combination. I will certainly be giving this one a try. :)
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    Camping and Bass Fishing

    We went camping last weekend at this great place out in the woods that has a nice lake close by. We decided to try our luck at bass fishing to see if we could catch some supper. Much to our surprise we managed to catch enough to eat and they were real good too. :) We hope to go back there soon.
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    Well we don't see a whole lot of snow here in Florida. I guess north Ga. does get snow but does it usually get a lot of it through the winter? With the weather being so crazy now a days I think you could probably expect the unexpected now. Who knows what this winter may bring?
  15. C

    Choice..camping or cruise?

    Hmmm, that would be a hard decision to make and would all depend. Like are we paying for this cruise? Where is it going to and for how long? Camping is a favorite of ours and we do it often so, it would have to given some serious thought!
  16. C

    Traditional Christmas meal or different?

    Do you always go for the traditional meal at Christmas, Turkey, dressing, etc. or do you sometimes opt for something totally different? We are actually going for seafood this year. Fried fish, shrimp, clams and crab (if we can find some good ones). :)
  17. C

    Keeping dogs inside?

    That's probably a good idea. I don't think I would want to take a chance of an accident happening. I take it your backyard isn't fenced in?
  18. C

    my goodness!

    Hmmmm, I guess they are first timers! Some things you just want to make sure about and the first I would think is that what ever vehical you have will be able to pull what you get. Then you go down the check list. Hope they get everything worked out and are back on the road again.
  19. C

    Swimming still

    I'm with you JimBob, we live in Florida too and I just don't go swimming in the winter time! Now there may be an occasion if it is a heated pool and it happens to be warm outside I might. But, not the beaches!
  20. C

    Pigs n a blanket

    I know most of you probably know how to make these, just wondered how often you eat them? Crescent rolls with little sausages rolled up in them or the little hot dogs? When we do the hot dogs we always add cheese to them before cooking. We also like to take these when going to someone home and...