Search results

  1. D

    Camping near crop circles

    A few years ago someone, or something, made a crop circle in a cornfield next to the campground. No one saw any strange lights or anything like that. Now many people will not go to that camp ground. It is a real shame for them, but better for those of us who like areas with fewer people...
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    Netflix and Dr. Who

    The old ones, are of course, the best. However, I made myself watch the first series in order. You have to do it that way or you get lost too easily. I think the writers of these episodes are doing pretty darn well.
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    Starting a fire for newbs

    What if you have no other choice but to use wet wood. You guys are very knowledgeable about this, so can you share your knowledge on what to do when working with wet wood?
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    Fear Kills?

    I am lucky that I am the kind of person who gets in the right mindset when an emergency happens. I don't know if it is instinct or not. At the same time I know a lot of people who panic. If you are in a group you have to make sure that the person who keeps calm can keep the ones who might panic...
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    Stepped over a guard rail...

    I am glad she is safe. What comes to my mind is that I hope young people did not see that. Children lead by example, and that is the kind of example that teaches a young person something very dangerous.
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    Pancake recipe question

    I was adding some new recipes to our camping book and I notices the pancake recipe called for two table spoons vinegar. Why would you put vinegar in pancakes, is that really necessarily?
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    Qualities for Backcountry Companions

    I agree, I refuse to take high maintenance people and whiners on long trips like that. Heck, I don't even like them on short trips. I won't take lazy people either.
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    Vacation time!

    I guess any vacation is good as long as you aren't in pain. You could catch up on reading, write a book or watch some of the good documentaries that have come out lately. Hope you get some rest!
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    waiting to hear back from vet

    Oh no, sorry to hear your pooch is sick. I hope he feels better soon. We have a rat with a cold we are trying to get better right now. I know having a sick pet can be stressful.
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    Travel Towels?

    This reminds me of Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, "Never Travel Without Your Towel!" I find you can never use too many good microfiber towels. I keep as many around as possible.
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    Time for warm socks!

    My socks don't wear out, but they do get lost in the thick of it all. I do find myself getting more from time to time. I always try to stick with wool if I can.
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    Winter Time Backpacking

    Maybe we should all email Myth Busters until they do this one, if they haven't already. Might be fun to annoy them in to doing it. Does anyone know what their email address is?
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    Games when camping?

    We like to take a net and play volleyball. There have been many times that other people have seen us play and wanted to join in. It is great to get to know some of the other campers that way.
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    Surviving in Wolf Country

    After hearing about more wolf attacks I am starting to wonder how to survive in wolf country. I always imagine it being a little like Dancing with Wolves, where you make wolf friends. But now I am starting to think one should be taking measure to guard against them.
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    Frying over the campfire

    I never take that much oil. After hearing about the oil dough in the dutch oven I think I might start taking more oil so I can try to make stuff like that. Do you know the recipe?
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    Pop-Up Tents

    I saw one on a TV show once and wanted one right away. Then I started wondering about the durability of it and moved on. I have never actually seen on in any of my local stores. I figured they were more of an infomercial type thing.
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    Increasing stamina

    My 16 year old niece is going to come live with us for awhile. I know she doesn't have a lot of physical stamina. She will be required to come hiking with us. What can we do to help her build her hiking stamina up in a healthy way.
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    Cardio Training?

    I like to stay active in the outdoors. However, there are some situations where a stationary bike and other indoor equipment have their place. If I ever get into one of those situations then I would get stationary equipment.
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    Wind energy

    I'm not really sure. We are going to buy a farm and plan to make some use of wind energy. I am very interested in how to make it a viable energy solution.
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    List Maker

    I have never been a list maker, but everything has changed now that I am older and busier. I sat down and counted my lists and there are 12 of them! Is it just me or is there way too much to do in life these days?