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  1. B


    Thanks for sharing this interesting and funny information with us. I wouldn't know a Grouse if it flew up and introduced itself to me. My girls would swear that spelled gross.
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    After seeing a show on TV the other night I think it was called "Hog Wild" the way these wild pigs are destructive and dangerous I say feed them as much clay as you can unless you want to eat them.
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    Snow Gone and Now Rain

    The snow is gone around us which we didn't get a lot to start with but now it is raining and we are under a storm watch. Thunder and lightning flashing through the sky. I love the way it looks and sometimes I enjoy the rain but enough is enough.
  4. B

    Surprised myself

    If she hits the empty .22 then she can almost call herself a sharpshooter. I had never shot a shotgun or pistol when I went to the firing range and certified the first time I ever shot either. I would think if you are far sighted or near sighted or maybe even how well you balance your body helps.
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    Smallest Game

    What is the smallest animal that people hunt for to eat? Do people eat moles? I just don't think I could eat any of these things. What about chipmunks? Could you eat Chip and Dale?
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    West Nile

    Has anyone heard that the West Nile Virus is worse this year than it has been in the past? My doctor has already tested me and my girls for it and I heard that it was expected to be an epidemic this year.
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    Neck Gaitors

    I had never heard of these before or at least not called that anyways. I am going to be looking into it soon though because I could use these for my husband and kids.
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    To early

    I remember daddy taking us around that age and like someone said it is more a day in the woods. I do understand your worries though and agree with everyone else. You should talk to him about it, either he will put your mind to rest or you will be able to get your point to him.
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    Watching Accidents Videos?

    I came in on my niece watching 1001 ways to die the other day and just sat down with her. They showed a Bride who was on her bachelorette party standing in the sun roof of a limo and a pigeon was flying low. The end results was it went into her mouth snapping her neck and that was the last time...
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    Over night trip this weekend.

    Oh those were great pictures. It is so beautiful there and I am really glad you shared. I haven't been snowshoeing but it does sound fun.
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    Insects For Dinner

    I have heard this too. I think someone told me it was the marines that had to go through some of this training and I remember them mentioning SERE.
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    I will be honest I like an occasional glass of wine or mead and when I go out with my husband I drink mixed drinks. I like to make my own wine and mead.
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    Mother of all pranks

    OMG, that is gross. My husband just watched it with me and said he would become a mass murderer "House of Teens Found Dead."
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    Can't sleep

    I have insomnia so bad I have stayed up for two to three nights at a time and then slept a regular night and it might happen again. I take sleep meds from my doctor and still don't sleep so I do alot of watching TV, playing games and cleaning during the night.
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    I have heard and probably seen almost everything. At least, sometimes I think so and then something new happens. My husband is allergic to raw tomatoes but if they are cooked he has no problem with them.
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    My purse got me looks....

    That is a good suggestion Le. I have a couple of different caliber pistols but one of my first was a 380 and I could aim and hit a target really well with it. Hubby likes to have one that will shoot further but I liked my 380.
  17. B

    Bringing critters home

    The closes we ever came to something like that was when I was a kid. Daddy thought he had ran over a rabbit and picked it up and put it in the back of the car. The thing woke up on the way home and was going nuts. Now that did scare me half to death.
  18. B

    My purse got me looks....

    It depends on where I am going if I carry a purse. I had a similar situation happen to me but it was actually in the local Walmart. The cashier nearly wet herself when I pulled out a can of pepper spray and a small pistol until she saw my badge.
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    Security Measures

    Having worked as a correctional deputy and going through massive training. My husband and I are always prepared for any situation. We each carry a couple of hand guns and our cuffs with us pretty much any where we go.
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    Rafting the waters of BC

    This sounds great, I would love to go whitewater rafting there. I could even bring the kids to this one from the sound of it.