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  1. R

    Cruise ship fishing?

    You couldn't fish from a big cruise ship. It's a long, long way down to the water from those things. Like someone said, though, they have lots of fun turns and if fishing is your thing, there is probably a tour for it.
  2. R

    Aversion to dirt

    Yeah, I think that would be a shame. I wonder if their kids are allowed to even play outside. Dirt is just a part of life. Now I can understand about slimy mud, but not basic dirt.
  3. R

    Warm Socks

    Count me in with the wool folks who have responded to this post thus far. Cotton is a joke; it doesn't do any good at all, but that wool does the job.
  4. R

    Snow shoes

    I love snow shoes. I don't have knew ones, just the ones we got a couple of years ago. They are so convenient, when there's snow that is. We aren't getting much of that right now ourselves.
  5. R

    Did anyone get.....

    Not this year. This was the year of electronics and kitchen gizmos, likes a Presto pizza cooker and a digital mini camcorder. There's always my birthday when it comes up!
  6. R

    Are You Serious? You Can't Wait for a Trashcan?

    That is so annoying. People just don't care, and that is so wrong. I know what you are talking about because I see it all around here, too. People are lazy. I wish we could change that fact.
  7. R

    Pony or Horse

    I think you need to get them a horse they can ride. The four year old could never ride a grown horse safely, unless you get a Shetland pony. Are you going to give them lessons, too?
  8. R

    When you Just Aren't Prepared to Camp

    We all have days like that. I call them the un-fun days because I love to have fun and sometimes I just can't. The only good thing is that they aren't very frequent and once they're gone, it's back to having a good time.
  9. R


    I have always felt like the Boy Scouts and the Girl Scouts were great training for kids to learn the basics of survival and even the love and fun of the outdoors. Were you a Scout?
  10. R

    Why do you fish?

    Uh, well, actually I don't fish. My uncle was a big fisherman, though. He used to go all the time. It was his biggest source of fun in the world. I feel too guilty myself to fish, though. I always think of Mr. Limpet.
  11. R

    Waterproof food containers?

    I'm a little late to this party, but I do agree with what everyone else has said. It's the cooler. We've never had problems, and we use Tupperware, too, by the way. The cooler is a good one, too.
  12. R

    Emergency Rations?

    For the kind of trips we take, fresh works just fine. We're not gone for really long periods of time. The main thing is to have water handy. We keep plenty of that on hand.
  13. R

    Have you been winter camping

    No, we have never gone winter camping, at least that I can recall and I think I'd remember <g>. We might someday though because we love new experiences which are always fun.
  14. R

    Merry christmas!!!!

    We adore the holiday season and have been enjoying it in a lot of super fun ways. Caroling has to be the most fun ever during Christmas. I hope everyone has a terrifically fun holiday, too!
  15. R

    Using Local Produce When Camping

    I agree that the more we can support local environs the better off we'll be. Local crops are often cared for in better ways, too. Certified organic is a good thing to try to do, too.
  16. R

    The Parent Trap

    I love the original movie, with Hayley Mills. The Lindsay Lohan one was decent as well. I have a thing for all Disney films, though. They are the best.
  17. R

    What do you think of most?

    When someone uses the word 'outdoors', what do you think of first? Does your mind just wander to outside or the backyard or do you momentarily escape to some beautiful spot?
  18. R

    Too old to learn?

    Of course she is not too old to learn how to swim. Either take her to lessons or teach her yourself. All it takes is her desire and water. She has a lot of life to live!
  19. R

    Big Storms

    We're in the middle of a big storm right now that is putting a wrinkle in our fun. Have you ever been caught on the water when a big storm has popped up?
  20. R

    Hiking Alone Or Hiking In A Group

    It depends on my mood and my goals for the trip. There are outings where it's about the bonding of friends and family, and then there are treks when it's a spiritual bonding I'm after, and that's when I go alone.