Search results

  1. Thumper

    Exotic Animal Hunting

    I can see hunting a deer, rabbit, squirrel, or quail. But I'm not sure I agree with the hunting of exoctics. The above are meat animals that someone will eat if I kill it so I don't waste the animal.
  2. Thumper

    Night hike safety tips

    Make sure you're armed and well lit. Don't walk in each other's footsteps and make sure you know where you are going and where you will meet up. Avoid any sign of wildlife and watch for snakes. In other words, I don't like to hike unless it's a full moon and the trail is well...
  3. Thumper

    Favorite thing about camping?

    I love the freeness of it. The feeling that you are free to do anything you please (within reason guys) and can handle yourself well in any situation.
  4. Thumper

    Good present?

    How about a new saddle blanket if she already has a horse or just a fuzzy throw with horses on it if she doesn't. There are a lot of jewelry items now that are equestrian themed.
  5. Thumper

    Haunted Trail

    That's sounds like fun Alligator! I wish our local state park did something like this. My bunch has a Halloween party planned at a neighbors barn on Saturday. There isn't going to be anything terribly scary but it looks like we'll all have a great time. I do know they are going to hide "prizes"...
  6. Thumper

    How Would You Make A Shelter?

    How would you make a shelter if you were out in the wilderness and didn't have anything to use? Would you gather limbs and make a lean to? Or would you search for a cave. It would be hard to do without anything on you.
  7. Thumper

    Bread you cook in a frying pan

    Are you perhaps talking about fried cornbread? Or are you talking about Native American Fry Bread? I found this link and have been trying the recipes here and I really like them. Here's the link: Fry Bread Recipes
  8. Thumper


    I don't think that sounds like something I'd like to try to catch. I like to fish but I don't think I'd want to deal with something like that. I love bluegill and bass. I also catch catfish quite a bit.
  9. Thumper

    Heater while camping

    Well, if you have a camper or pop up, a small ceramic heater would work quite well if you are connected with electricity. I've never used anything but a campfire when we are camping but then we usually don't camp in cold weather.
  10. Thumper

    Anyone Have Anything Odd Happen On A Trip?

    We were going up in the mountains once down in the Smokies in Tennessee. We had hiked for several hours and were sitting very quietly eating lunch. We weren't talking, just sitting. All of the sudden, we looked up and we see an Indian in war dress with the face paint and all. I thought it was...
  11. Thumper

    Do You Carry Money?

    You know those rolled up quarters make a great base for a fist if you have to fight don't you? :tinysmile_fatgrin_t I learned that the hard way from a college frat boy that was harrassing my girl at the time. I won but it was a close fight.
  12. Thumper

    Best Multi tool?

    I have a Leatherman and use it all of the time. My wife even has one that has a pair of sewing scissors on them. We have looked at others but really haven't bought anything else yet as what we do works for us right now.
  13. Thumper


    Give them a wide berth. Give them as much space as possible. Think of a dog when you think of a coyote. You don't want to move suddenly and you don't want to run-that only triggers the chase instinct. If you stare at them directly, you are challenging them so don't stare them down.
  14. Thumper

    Wild Animals Being Agressive

    Wow! I've never seen that happen before although I've heard of it. You guys were certainly lucky that you didn't get bitten. I guess any animal can be aggressive if they have something wrong with them. Animals are just like humans in that they sometimes have very bad days. The bad thing though...
  15. Thumper

    Solar Cell Phone Charger

    Has anyone ever tried one of these? I saw it in the store the other day and it looks like a really good idea. I'd like to know if it is as good in practical application.
  16. Thumper

    Shake-powered Flashlight

    No but it sounds like a really good idea. I usually take a lantern and radio combo that is powered by cranking it. These are perfect for hiking and camping since you don't have to pack extra batteries around all of the time.
  17. Thumper

    Hiker Gored By Mountain Goat

    At Olympic National Park a 63 year old hiker was gored and killed by a mountain goat who was overly aggressive. He had told his wife and friend to go on ahead and he would try to distract the goat. The goat wound up goring him to death. You think it's the bears you have to worry about, but the...
  18. Thumper

    Watch your step!

    I've sprained about every muscle in my body at one time or another. I'm a natural born klutz. I've sprained my ankles so much, the doctor told me I would probably break them next time. I've fell and pulled muscles in my back which still gives me trouble occasionally. I've pulled the muscles in...
  19. Thumper


    Yeah, we were fishing one day about dusk and all of the sudden we noticed something swimming toward us. It was a cottonmouth with his head above the water. My wife screamed and beat the thing with her fishing rod. I don't know if she killed it but if she didn't she gave it an awfully good try. I...
  20. Thumper

    Does Anyone Else Buy Army Surplus?

    Yeah, I know. Our Army surplus left too. I go online now to find a lot of the things I liked. The old MRE's we used to buy (in date of course) were not that good. There are a lot of places that sell backpacking food and they are pretty good. I love the dehydrated fruits but my favorite are the...