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  1. G

    Cave diving

    My partner is into everything and he is also a certified scuba diver. He loves it and wants me to go with him next time. He wants to explore some underwater caves in Belize next summer...
  2. G

    Deep Sea Fishing

    My partner is going to be heading to South Florida, ( Fort Myers,) in about two weeks. It will be his first time doing any deep sea fishing. We would sure appreciate hearing from anyone who could recommend a dependable captain and boat for his first time out.
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    My partner says: "I have found that ATVs and Trikes instill too much of a sense of "False Security" when riding. The knowledge that I only have two wheels under me has always kept me focused and alert!" Do you feel the same way?
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    Aching Legs After The Ride

    I've read many different suggestions on how to treat sore muscles, etc after a long ride, be it by pedal or motor; however, I'm pretty "old school," and find nothing beats a very hot soak, Epson Salts and a few cold ones! Ride safe!
  5. G

    The easy or the hard one?

    I go trekking not only for the exercise but for a rewarding experience and the good memories to keep. A hard trail with an awesome scenery is always better than an easy trail that keeps me bored and sweating.
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    Mild Claustrophobia

    My friend would like to go spelunking with us next weekend, but she has mild claustrophobia. I would love to hear any suggestions from anyone on how they managed their mild claustrophobia and spelunking.
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    Food For Thought

    Well, when there is nothing else to eat, it could be better than starving to death. But it is something that I would not take with me on a camping trip...
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    Fishing Clubs?

    I think it would also be a good learning experience to join such a club. You'd get to know the best places to go fishing and how to do it the right way from more experienced fellows.
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    Bicycling safety

    I haven't experienced any of those. I give running bicycles and motorcycles a lot of distance to pass through. It's different when there is a puddle though, and they spray me with mud and water...
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    Using Old Ropes or New Ones

    I have never gone rappelling, but if I would, I will insist on using a new rope or a double rope to be sure that it is safe to hang on.
  11. G

    Do you rough it, or bring luxuries?

    It seems that the wives want to bring (almost) the whole house when the family goes camping. I am one of them, especially when the kids are also going. Whatever can be brought should be brought. LOL
  12. G

    ATV Racing

    I agree that it will be dangerous, especially if the terrain has not been used for such an exercise. You should first explore the site that you are going to run or try to test it first and discuss the safety precautions you might need.
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    Ever hunted alligator?

    Just watching a gator or a crocodile hunt on screen frightens me, so I can't think of myself joining such a hunt or even watching it live. They look so strong and vicious...
  14. G

    Alone or with others?

    Most often I go out alone, but not too far or I may not be able to get back on my legs. It calms my mind to be able to go out and commune with nature on my own. But sometimes I also go out with friends especially on longer treks, for safety reasons.
  15. G

    Jelly Fish

    I think I read somewhere that jellyfish produces toxins when they sting. It can paralyze a person immediately. But they really look great in the water...
  16. G

    Best exercises to do before riding?

    I don't know if there are exercises that can prevent soreness but moderation will help. Just like any work out, you have to take it easy the first time, and gradually build up muscle tolerance.
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    Meals Ready to Eat

    Being relatively new to backpacking I would appreciate some feedback regarding MREs to bring along including how much water and MREs I should bring for at least three days of backpacking.
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    Crafts and Hobbies

    When we go camping I usually bring my crochet or knitting bag with me, so I have something to do when I do not want to go out under the sun. It keeps me busy and satisfied that I am doing something creative...
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    Eating What Nature Provides

    I am not very familiar with what's edible and what's toxic in nature's bounty in the wilderness so I don't try to eat anything there. I keep safe with what food we brought to the camp.
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    Girl scouts

    I don't see any girl scouts in my area these days. I guess they don't have much activities. They are really not as active as they used to be, but disaster preparedness and emergency training are much more important these days