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  1. P

    How many?

    I always worry that if I drink a lot of coffee when I am away from a bathroom that I will need to go 100 times within an hour. I don't drink a lot of coffee anyway and when camping/hiking I don't drink any.
  2. P

    Anyone Ever Eat...

    Wild turkey is good but it's not for everyone. I like the dark meat a bit better but it is an acquired taste since it's not like a farm raised turkey. And watch out for the pellets too!
  3. P

    Weird places to fish

    Have you ever fished some place really weird that you wouldn't normally think of to fish at? Like a business's retaining pond or a creek near a power plant? lol
  4. P

    Back to school

    I think the schools that go back in August typically get out of school in May don't they? I think an end of summer party would be fun. Wish I was still in school!
  5. P

    Waterproofing A Tent

    I would recommend you never get your hopes up. I have been in many different tents and every one of them leaks in some way. I hate when it rains as I always end up wet no matter how hard I try to stay dry.
  6. P

    If you encounter a bear?

    Good to know there is bear spray. Thanks for the heads up. I also wouldn't have thought about fire either, but that's a great idea. I would imagine that it would probably scare a bear away.
  7. P

    Aluminum foil

    Do you take aluminum foil with you every time you go camping? It seems like a handy thing to have when cooking. Have you ever used it for something new that you'd never thought of before?
  8. P

    My kids are in the backyard

    I admit that being in the dark is a little scary for me sometimes. lol So I can imagine it may have been a little scary for your kids. Maybe next time.
  9. P

    Safety from hunters

    Bright orange is a must during many times of the year - not just the fall. You don't want to take a chance and end up being caught in someone's scope.
  10. P

    Anyone ever come across...

    Has anyone ever come across anything illegal while hiking? I watched an episode of Weeds where this happened and it made me think that maybe this actually happens.
  11. P

    minnow trap funnel

    Hmmm... I wonder if you could use just a liter drink bottle. Cut it in half and them turn the top piece upside down in the bottom piece. Set it in the water and see what happens. Wouldn't cost you anything!
  12. P

    Wild berries

    I am not a big berry eater. I like raspberries but you don't find those in the wild very often in the areas I camp and hike. I don't like the seeds getting stuck in my teeth.
  13. P

    Truck bed tents

    What if you have a truck bed liner with the bumps and lumps? Is the bottom of the tent thick enough to keep you from feeling how uncomfortable that would be?
  14. P


    It seems like at least once a year some backpackers make the national news because they've been abducted while in the wild. Do you worry about outside threats like stalkers?
  15. P

    My kids are in the backyard

    That's awesome! How'd it go? I camped outside with friends for the first time when I was 9. And a neighbor kid came over and scared the bejeebers out of us all. It's a great memory.
  16. P

    School shopping

    Ha! I remember going shopping with my mom a few weeks before school started. I was worn out way before she was. She always loves shopping. I really, really don't.
  17. P

    Camping in the rain

    I'd prefer it not to rain but if it does it's alright. I don't like being in a muddy spot though. That really is awful and not something I ever care to do after being in the mud a few times in the past.
  18. P

    Flat tire

    The last time I went out with someone on a 4-wheeler we had a flat tire within 20 minutes. Not a good experience. If you go off road somewhere in the country do you take things with you to fix flats?
  19. P

    Getting Lost Prevention

    What - no one uses the Hansel and Gretal method? Bread crumbs? :) I have to laugh as I have actually used bread crumbs before and it worked.
  20. P

    What's the largest group of people you have gone camping with?

    It depends - are you speaking of the original number that you started with? Or the number of people who gathered together during the trip? Haha! We've gone with about 15 or 16 at once but ended up meeting new friends and making it a much larger group.