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  1. D

    Did ya get anything good for Christmas?

    I got a brand new Fendi boots from my aunt who lives in Canada. I can't use it for camping though, this boots are in fashion.
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    No Tents

    I haven't tried sleeping tent-less but I wouldn't try it. I am sensitive to cold and I might get colds if the cool temperature is too high.
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    How To Lit Damp Woods

    If you have some spare paper wads, lay it down to the ground, gather small twigs, medium sized woods and large sized woods. Re-light the paper wad, put small twigs over it and let it dry. As the fire starts to consume the twigs, put a few medium-sized woods and let them dry as well. You can add...
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    What's The Easiest Way To Carry A Baby On A Hike?

    If it's a younger baby, he's carried in the front using a baby backpack so that the parent can keep an eye on him. If it's an older baby, he's more comfortable being carried at the back but hike with the group so that another hiker can keep an eye on the baby behind the parent.
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    Frozen door

    How did you guys get out? When we were trapped in the hut that we're renting during the camp, we just got out of the window. Good thing the window isn't frozen.
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    have never tried Craisins yet. Are they raisins covered in a cup cake or something? I think it sounds good from how you describe it.
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    Snake Meat?

    Yuck! Honestly it is an exotic meat that I never tried eating yet. I'm also scared of hunting snakes for food, because I can never tell which is poisonous and which is not.
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    Fun with kids

    We use tent warmer to protect us from cold when we camped at our backyard with kids. As long as the family stays together, the moment would be perfect.
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    Do you like your meat charred?

    I'm not a fan of eating charred meat. I thought eating charred meat causes cancer, I just read it in some health section in the magazine.
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    Cave exploring.

    This is somewhat similar on what happened to a cave explorer in UK as far as I can remember. Now I'm scared of caves, they can be dangerous to humans.
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    Have you ever let a friend camp in your back yard?

    I never had a situation where a friend in need camps in our backyard. If there's someone who is in need of shelter, we may be glad to let him use our backyard to camp on.
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    Bottle or homemade?

    I make my own barbeque sauce even though it is made from experiment. I'm not an expert at making barbeque marinade unless there's a good barbeque sauce recipe that I can try out.
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    Picky Eater

    Some kids are picky when it comes to food. If I have a kid who is a picky eater, I would suggest him to try new foods and give him a reward.
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    Christmas plans

    Each of us will wrap our presents secretly and put it under our artificial Christmas tree. Then we would eat hearty meals for Christmas celebration.
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    Would you go ice fishing?

    I have experienced ice-fishing once. Though I was new to it, I brought a reliable tackle, best bait, short rod, tip-up reel and old warm clothes with me. We drilled a hole through the ice to catch a fish.
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    Rock Climbing

    I'm not a rock climbing person but I guess I actually climb in order to camp. Helps a lot to get my body in shape and burn calories, I would love to do some artificial rock climbing indoors.
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    Do you process your own meat?

    I go to the supermarket and ask the meat processor to grind the deer steak. We don't have any relatives who work as a meat grinder.
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    Biscuits On A Stick

    Wow biscuit on a stick. By the way, what was the brand of the canned biscuit that they used? It sounds good to eat, I might try doing that.
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    Animals you have encountered in the water

    I've seen a lot of small jellyfishes, corals and some eels in the sea bed while we're diving. I'd love to see some baby sharks but not big ones.
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    Wow I've never heard of Turducken before, I imagine that it must be a lot of work to prepare a dish like that. It could require a lot of ingredients for the dish to complete.