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  1. F

    C7 lights

    Anyone own those bigger lights for your tree? They look old-fashion like the ones I had when we were growing up. I need to get new lights for the tree and I thought about buying these. Are the safe for a tree?
  2. F

    No scent gloves

    I was shopping for my nephew and he is into hunting. I ran across some gloves (camouflage) and they were supposed to hide your scent? Anyone own these? They were double the price of the regular camouflage gloves. I have no problem spending the extra if they work – do they work?
  3. F

    Meat from Wild Hogs?

    Seriously? I've never even seen a wild hog. It's not something that I would have ever thought about eating either. I wonder if they taste the same as farm pigs? Very interesting.
  4. F

    After Holiday Blues?

    I miss the parties and all the fun things we do around Christmas. I don't miss fighting the crowds for gifts and spending money. We love to get out and go sledding and tubing in January!
  5. F

    Christmas Cookies

    I love Christmas cookies and I love to decorate them too. It's going to be so much fun! Who cares if she makes a mess - its a great memory that you will have. Enjoy the cookies!
  6. F

    Bass Pro Shop

    I am not fond of Bass Pro Shop either, I find them very high in price. I think Dick's is just as high though but they do have a lot of online coupons. I'm sure he will like it regardless - it's free stuff to him.
  7. F

    Do you make sausage?

    We have it made for us. I love sausage - breakfast sausage, spicy sausage, venison sausage - you name it, I love it. I wish I could make it myself - would save a lot of money!
  8. F

    Looking for a team name Polar Bear Plunge

    I like your name! I think you are crazy though. I always say that when I hear of anyone doing this. Here in my neck of the woods the TV and Radio hosts do this for charity!
  9. F

    Cross country skiing

    Wow, that sounds like a long skiing trip for kids (and for me too). I would think twice about going! PPine that was amazing information - I did not know any of it. Thanks for sharing.
  10. F

    Grocery Prices!

    We started bigger gardens last year. You are right, groceries are going up and it's only going to get worse. I also use coupons - I try to use a coupon for everything I buy.
  11. F

    Excited to go horseback riding

    Where do they live? I am not real big on riding horses but my family is. I have pretty much always been afraid of them and I think the horses can sense that fear. I hope you are able to ride and that you have a wonderful time.
  12. F


    This is something I have never thought of - a membership to the NRA. Thanks for the great gift idea. I think I might get my dad and brother and law a membership.
  13. F

    ATV's on Sale

    Right before they bring in the new year - so I would say at the end of winter. That is when I would look, end of winter. We bought a couple of used ones and 1 new one. We have had more problems with the new one.
  14. F

    Got my first!

    I love the picture above! Seriously though, congrats on the first Big Buck! I wouldn't slap you though. Are you going to get antlers mounted? Nothing scares me more!
  15. F

    Magazine on hunting?

    Wow, I'm glad I stumbled on this thread. I was thinking of getting a magazine for my son. Now I have a list to choose from! Awesome. I did not know there was so many hunting mags out there.
  16. F

    Black Friday successful?

    I did great on Black Friday! I got everything on the list :). I don't mind the crowds, it's actually fun to me. I've been Black Friday shopping since I was in my teens with my mom - so it's a tradition.
  17. F

    Need to cut back!

    We had a great day and we pigged out too. We are still eating pie leftovers! I love leftovers! I'm going to start working out more so I can eat more over the holidays.
  18. F

    Drinks when hiking?

    Water, water and only water! We drink a ton of water in my house. I don't let the kids have sugary drinks - they get enough sugar in foods. I try to keep their drinks healthier. Of course we drink milk and other juice at home. We just take water on hikes though.
  19. F

    Disgusting people

    Sick! That is all I can say! Seriously though, Whatever we take in we take out. I don't know how people can be so disrespectful to the Earth and other people. It's just wrong. I wish that the police would catch these people and fine them!
  20. F

    Traveling for the Holidays?

    Are you traveling for the holidays? I am thinking about taking my family to North Carolina to see my brothers family the week between Christmas and New Years. I’m not sure if we will go but I’m trying to make it happen.